SlotRefine: A Fast Non-Autoregressive Model for Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling

Di Wu, Liang Ding, Fan Lu, Jian Xie

Dialog and Interactive Systems Short Paper

Gather-1E: Nov 17, Gather-1E: Nov 17 (02:00-04:00 UTC) [Join Gather Meeting]

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Abstract: Slot filling and intent detection are two main tasks in spoken language understanding (SLU) system. In this paper, we propose a novel non-autoregressive model named SlotRefine for joint intent detection and slot filling. Besides, we design a novel two-pass iteration mechanism to handle the uncoordinated slots problem caused by conditional independence of non-autoregressive model. Experiments demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms previous models in slot filling task, while considerably speeding up the decoding (up to x10.77). In-depth analysis show that 1) pretraining schemes could further enhance our model; 2) two-pass mechanism indeed remedy the uncoordinated slots.
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