ENTYFI: A System for Fine-grained Entity Typing in Fictional Texts

Cuong Xuan Chu, Simon Razniewski, Gerhard Weikum

Demo Paper

Gather-3I: Nov 17, Gather-3I: Nov 17 (18:00-20:00 UTC) [Join Gather Meeting]

Abstract: Fiction and fantasy are archetypes of long-tail domains that lack suitable NLP methodologies and tools. We present ENTYFI, a web-based system for fine-grained typing of entity mentions in fictional texts. It builds on 205 automatically induced high-quality type systems for popular fictional domains, and provides recommendations towards reference type systems for given input texts. Users can exploit the richness and diversity of these reference type systems for fine-grained supervised typing, in addition, they can choose among and combine four other typing modules: pre-trained real-world models, unsupervised dependency-based typing, knowledge base lookups, and constraint-based candidate consolidation. The demonstrator is available at: https://d5demos.mpi-inf.mpg.de/entyfi.

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