Sentiment Analysis of Tweets using Heterogeneous Multi-layer Network Representation and Embedding
Loitongbam Gyanendro Singh, Anasua Mitra, Sanasam Ranbir Singh
Sentiment Analysis, Stylistic Analysis, and Argument Mining Long Paper
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Sentiment classification on tweets often needs to deal with the problems of under-specificity, noise, and multilingual content. This study proposes a heterogeneous multi-layer network-based representation of tweets to generate multiple representations of a tweet and address the above issues. The generated representations are further ensembled and classified using a neural-based early fusion approach. Further, we propose a centrality aware random-walk for node embedding and tweet representations suitable for the multi-layer network. From various experimental analysis, it is evident that the proposed method can address the problem of under-specificity, noisy text, and multilingual content present in a tweet and provides better classification performance than the text-based counterparts. Further, the proposed centrality aware based random walk provides better representations than unbiased and other biased counterparts.
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