Agent Assist through Conversation Analysis
Kshitij Fadnis, Nathaniel Mills, Jatin Ganhotra, Haggai Roitman, Gaurav Pandey, Doron Cohen, Yosi Mass, Shai Erera, Chulaka Gunasekara, Danish Contractor, Siva Patel, Q. Vera Liao, Sachindra Joshi, Luis Lastras, David Konopnicki
Demo Paper
Customer support agents play a crucial role as an interface between an organization and its end-users. We propose CAIRAA: Conversational Approach to Information Retrieval for Agent Assistance, to reduce the cognitive workload of support agents who engage with users through conversation systems. CAIRAA monitors an evolving conversation and recommends both responses and URLs of documents the agent can use in replies to their client. We combine traditional information retrieval (IR) approaches with more recent Deep Learning (DL) models to ensure high accuracy and efficient run-time performance in the deployed system. Here, we describe the CAIRAA system and demonstrate its effectiveness in a pilot study via a short video.