Where to Submit? Helping Researchers to Choose the Right Venue
Konstantin Kobs, Tobias Koopmann, Albin Zehe, David Fernes, Philipp Krop, Andreas Hotho
First Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing (SDP 2020) Workshop Paper
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Whenever researchers write a paper, the same question occurs: “Where to submit?” In this work, we introduce WTS, an open and interpretable NLP system that recommends conferences and journals to researchers based on the title, abstract, and/or keywords of a given paper. We adapt the TextCNN architecture and automatically analyze its predictions using the Integrated Gradients method to highlight words and phrases that led to the recommendation of a scientific venue. We train and test our method on publications from the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and medicine, both derived from the Semantic Scholar dataset. WTS achieves an Accuracy@5 of approximately 83% for AI papers and 95% in the field of medicine. It is open source and available for testing on https://wheretosubmit.ml.
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