Adapting Coreference Resolution to Twitter Conversations

Berfin Aktaş, Veronika Solopova, Annalena Kohnert, Manfred Stede

1st Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse Workshop Paper

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Abstract: The performance of standard coreference resolution is known to drop significantly on Twitter texts. We improve the performance of the (Lee et al., 2018) system, which is originally trained on OntoNotes, by retraining on manually-annotated Twitter conversation data. Further experiments by combining different portions of OntoNotes with Twitter data show that selecting text genres for the training data can beat the mere maximization of training data amount. In addition, we inspect several phenomena such as the role of deictic pronouns in conversational data, and present additional results for variant settings. Our best configuration improves the performance of the”out of the box” system by 21.6%.
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