ESTeR: Combining Word Co-occurrences and Word Associations for Unsupervised Emotion Detection

Sujatha Das Gollapalli, Polina Rozenshtein, See-Kiong Ng

SustaiNLP: Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing Workshop Paper

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Abstract: Accurate detection of emotions in user- generated text was shown to have several applications for e-commerce, public well-being, and disaster management. Currently, the state-of-the-art performance for emotion detection in text is obtained using complex, deep learning models trained on domain-specific, labeled data. In this paper, we propose ESTeR , an unsupervised model for identifying emotions using a novel similarity function based on random walks on graphs. Our model combines large-scale word co-occurrence information with word-associations from lexicons avoiding not only the dependence on labeled datasets, but also an explicit mapping of words to latent spaces used in emotion-enriched word embeddings. Our similarity function can also be computed efficiently. We study a range of datasets including recent tweets related to COVID-19 to illustrate the superior performance of our model and report insights on public emotions during the on-going pandemic.
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