Parsing with Multilingual BERT, a Small Corpus, and a Small Treebank

Ethan C. Chau, Lucy H. Lin, Noah A. Smith

SIGTYP 2020: The Second Workshop on Computational Research in Linguistic Typology Workshop Paper

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Abstract: Pretrained multilingual contextual representations have shown great success, but due to the limits of their pretraining data, their benefits do not apply equally to all language varieties. This presents a challenge for language varieties unfamiliar to these models, whose labeled and unlabeled data is too limited to train a monolingual model effectively. We propose the use of additional language-specific pretraining and vocabulary augmentation to adapt multilingual models to low-resource settings. Using dependency parsing of four diverse low-resource language varieties as a case study, we show that these methods significantly improve performance over baselines, especially in the lowest-resource cases, and demonstrate the importance of the relationship between such models’ pretraining data and target language varieties.
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